Mercedes-Benz GenuineParts.
Providing for the future of your Mercedes
With Mercedes-Benz GenuineParts you benefit from more than one hundred years’ experience in vehicle and parts construction. These parts are impressive due to their proverbial quality, tested safety and high reliability. Furthermore the extreme longevity and outstanding price/performance ratio of our GenuineParts is particularly cost-effective.
Inimitable and unmistakable: precisely defined manufacturer’s specifications plus comprehensive checks and extensive tests guarantee that each and every genuine Mercedes-Benz part meets our highest quality standards and is always absolutely state of the art. Mercedes-Benz GenuineParts can be recognised by their unmistakable hologram packaging.
Included in your package price: transparency. Our sophisticated logistics guarantee that every necessary Mercedes-Benz original part is made available to you as quickly as possible at your dealer.
Genuine engine oil.
Genuine engine oil from Mercedes-Benz.
Who knows best what properties the perfect oil for our cars should have? Our scientists and engineers, who, with their innovative energy, expertise and many years of experience, also built our engines. They have developed the special lubricant for your vehicle: genuine engine oil from Mercedes-Benz.
Greater performance through reduced friction.
Its most important task is to reduce the mechanical friction. Our engine oil is able to cope perfectly with the mechanical and thermal loads. The components and additives which have been specially selected for it meet the particular quality standards of a Mercedes-Benz engine and ensure its high level of efficiency and performance.
Safe in every situation. And at every temperature.
100 per cent reliable – from minus 30 degrees to plus 260 degrees. When subject to thermal loads, whether of heat or cold, there should be no signs of evaporation loss, flow and lubrication characteristics should be maintained and the oil must be relied upon to lubricate and perform all its other functions.
Maximum staying power.
Change your oil. So that you don’t have to change it as much. When you choose Mercedes-Benz genuine engine oil, you are not just choosing a lubricant that has been perfectly aligned to your vehicle, but also one that has particular staying power. If you change it at regular intervals you can be sure that your engine is working at a consistently higher standard.
Lower consumption. Fewer emissions. Greater performance.
Thanks to the special quality of Mercedes-Benz genuine engine oil you have a clear benefit when it comes to economic driving. It reduces friction, contains highly effective additives which make it last longer, and helps to give a consistently high level of performance. You can fully exploit your engine’s potential in different driving conditions and still use less fuel. It also brings an environmental benefit: working together with our state-of-the-art exhaust gas aftertreatment systems, it helps to reduce the emission of harmful substances.